Well, today was supposed to be about yardwork, but since it started raining, I had to put that on hold. Instead I did a little site work. I cleaned up the taxonomy (not that you will notice much), removed the cloud module since it has been deprecated in Drupal, configured the weblinks module to output my monitored links (essentially replacing the site cloud), installed the weather module, and installed the subscriptions module (only useful for users who login).
Pretty successul I would say.
As a side note, I will leave the notifications module, and the subscribtions module running side by each for now. They offer similar functionality, but offer it differently.
The notify module allows you to receive emails when new content is put up here, or if new comments are added to any story.
The subscription module allows you to subscribe to certain threads, or certain taxonomies (categories of posts). It is a little more fine grained than the notify module. I haven’t really tested this one yet, but hopefully it will just work!