Paged Puzzles

Travelling yesterday was an adventure. The plan for Elliot and I was to fly to Vancouver, have a layover for a couple hours, then fly on to Winnipeg. Another layover in Winnipeg, then on to Ottawa.

This was not to be.

We got to the Victoria airport way too early, so we waited. Elliot was so excited to get on a plane that waiting was very hard. The flight to Vancouver was short and easy. In Vancouver we got some lunch there and started our wait for the 1:15 flight. Around 12:30 we went to the bathroom and while we were in there, I heard my name being paged. For some reason I though we were going to get an upgrade. Sadly no.

I learned that the flight we were going to fly on to Winnipeg was delayed meaning we would have missed our connection to Ottawa. Instead they were moving us to a later flight direct from Vancouver to Ottawa. The bad part was that our new flight left at 5:30. We arrived in Vancouver at 10:30am and weren’t leaving until 5:30pm. Yikes.

Poor Elliot just wanted to get on a plane. We did whatever we could to keep his mind off the plane. We played tag, ate snacks, read books, played puzzles. Elliot even played with some other kids. Still, he really wanted to get on a plane.

Finally they called the flight and we boarded. Woohoo. Wait, we still had a 4 hour+ flight. *sigh*

The flight went well though. Elliot watched a lot of TV, I watched a movie and a couple TV shows. Oh, and I also had a couple drinks too 😉

Once we landed, we gathered our things, and Elliot cheerfully followed me down to the baggage area. Sue and her sister met us there, and Elliot was very happy to see them, and in great spirits considering how long of a day we had. We gathered our bags and headed back to the house. I ate a snack, helped get Elliot into bed, then went to bed myself at 2 am Ottawa time (11 Victoria time).

I didn’t mention that I was awake at 4:30 am. Long day, but we are here now and enjoying ourselves immensely.