Training Cold

Sunday was my last training ride for the Tour de Victoria. I was supposed to go Saturday, but since I got back from Vegas I had been battling some weird cold that had me feeling pretty drained. I didn’t especially feel like getting out on Sunday either, but I forced myself to go for two hours.

My main goal was to hit Prospect Lake Road again. I had only ridden it once and it seemed like I should do it again. I felt gross most of the time, but I did my two hours. My legs felt pretty dead, like there was nothing in them, much like when I rode in Vegas. I’m on the mend now though, and I know that the training I have done to date will sever me well for the ride.

Only a few more days until the big event.

View Tour de Victoria, May 22, 2011 in a larger map

Total Distance: 44.82 km (27.8 mi)
Total Time: 1:56:07
Moving Time: 1:50:18
Average Speed: 23.16 km/h (14.4 mi/h)
Average Moving Speed: 24.38 km/h (15.1 mi/h)
Max Speed: 55.02 km/h (34.2 mi/h)
Min Elevation: -6 m (-20 ft)
Max Elevation: 95 m (310 ft)
Elevation Gain: 628 m (2062 ft)
Max Grade: 20 %
Min Grade: -11 %

Snow Clip

It snowed on Wednesday, and it has actually stuck around. Coming up to the weekend I was hoping the snow would melt so I could get in a training ride.

Sadly this didn’t happen. The snow melted a little, but there is still too much ice on the roads to safely ride. Instead I jumped on the trainer in the basement and went for a spin that way.

It’s been too long since I was on a bike. It hurt a little making my legs spin in circles for so long. I sure put on a sweat. It felt good. I did a 5 minute warmup and a 45 minute ride. In that ride I did a few standing stints, a few hard sitting sprints, some rest periods, and the rest I cruised along at a pretty good clip.

Timing Element

I went for a great ride today. Mountain biking with some friends who are just getting back into the sport. The temp this morning was pretty chilly, but if you dress for it, there is no problem. I was dressed properly which made the start of the ride much more enjoyable.

Heart came as well and had a great time. She is actually a pretty good trail dog without any training. The only thing she needs to learn is how to handle other bikes coming towards us on the trail.

We did the normal loop up to Snakes and Ladders, then went for a rip down there. My timing for jumps and riding was perfect. My legs felt strong and my cardio was not hindering me at all. I was having a great time.

My compatriots were not as well off. One of them had just come off a month long bout of bronchitis, and the other hadn’t ridden in over 4 years. They zipped back to the cars after snakes and ladders while I continued on.

My extra loop took me to the far end of the park and back again. I rode hard for this loop which isn’t easy on my big bike. It was fun though and Heart really enjoyed it. She really seems like she is in her element when she is out riding with me.

Here is our route:

View Tour de Victoria, Feb 20 2011 in a larger map


Created by My Tracks on Android.
Total Distance: 9.93 km (6.2 mi)
Total Time: 2:13:59
Moving Time: 1:06:44
Average Speed: 4.45 km/h (2.8 mi/h)
Average Moving Speed: 8.93 km/h (5.5 mi/h)
Max Speed: 25.20 km/h (15.7 mi/h)
Min Elevation: 109 m (358 ft)
Max Elevation: 272 m (892 ft)
Elevation Gain: 446 m (1464 ft)
Max Grade: 14 %
Min Grade: -15 %

Weird thing is that this 10Km ride made me way more tired than my 45+Km rides on the road.