I type this with wrecked hands,
hands that have seen and done wonders today.
The air was crisp,
the ground frozen and crunchy. Instead
of hindering me, this coolness inspired me, pushed me on.
Much ground was covered,
mud was flung. Grins by all who knew.
Up the hill, along the log, leap off the rock. A man once said “It’s all about two legs, turning two cranks, turning two wheels”. Two true.
South Ridge, Fun Trail, C-Section, Waterworks are part of the picture. The rest is fun, fun, fun.
I want to get out again. This has inspired me, boosted my drive. There is always next weekend.
</poem like thing>
As you may have guessed, I went riding today. I had a great ride. I went out with Sane, Darryll, and a couple other guys from Shane’s group. The cool morning air was awesome. Enought to keep me awake and refreshed. It hurt a little when I breathed deeply, but it was that good kind of hurt that reminds you that you are alive.
At the beginning of the ride we messed around at the Technical Training Area, and that is where I discovered that I had left at home, the compact flash card for my camera. Damn! 🙁 My goal was to have a good ride, and take lots of pictures. Guess I had to settle for a good ride.
We took our usual route up to the switchbacks, then headed up. Near the top of the switchbacks was a new log ride that was loads of fun. To get onto the log ride, you must cross a 3 foot high log pile. The log ride begins with a slight downward slope, then after a slight jog to the left, the log turns upward ever so slightly and tapers until it is only 4 inches wide. I never made it all the way, but it was most fun to try.
After we hit Champs Café, we zipped down South Ridge, along Fun Trail to Green Ribbon. Getting late on time we bombed Green Ribbon as fast as we could. I did a couple jumps I hadn’t hit in quite a while. Surprising to me since I haven’t ridden in quite a while.
At the end I was a happy camper. I had a great ride, which hasn’t happened in a long time. It totally reminded me why I love this sport. I am pumped to get back out there soon.