Today had been a very productive day. I took Yoshi to Elk Lake for a walk this morning. It was slightly raining, but that didn’t slow us down. Yoshi had a grand time running through the grass. He can be quite a character while running too. At one point the grass was taller than he was, and he was “porpoising” through it. It was quite funny to watch. Of course, he was absolutely soaked. I expected he would get wet, but every single inch of him was soaked. After our walk, I grabbed the kong, and we had a retrieving session, something I havent done with him in a while. When he finally called it quits, he was quite content to jump in the truck after his towel down! He has been a very happy pooch all day.
After that it was a couple errands, which included signing up for parking with Robbins. This turned out to be a lot easier than I was expecting. A few signatures, hand over the credit card, a couple initials, and I was back out the door. Easy.
Once I got back home, it was time to work on the office a bit. Sue and I decided to switch the office and the spare bedroom. I am starting by moving the computer gear, and a little furniture. The shaw dude comes tomorrow to move the cable outlet.
I did a little reading up on C# (I have a lot more to go), and now I am sipping on some coffee from River City Coffee in Powell River. So far it has been a great day.