Poker Biking

Early last week I heard about the SIMBS poker ride. I thought it sounded like fun so I enlisted a couple other friends and we headed out for it.

There were 4 stations scattered about the park and we had to visit each one to get a card. First person back got a price, last person back got a prize, best hand, worst hand got prizes, and there were a few others too.

I had a great ride and felt like we really pushed ourselves. We rode some pretty technical trails that I hadn’t ridden in a very long time. It was a blast.

At the first station I got a 6 of spades. After bombing down SouthRidge we got to the second station where I got an A of hearts. Not a bad start. We then hit Green Ribbon in its entirety which brought back lots of memories. After Green Ribbon we found the third station where I got another 6. Looking good I though.

We took crossover, climbed a short ways, then found the fourth station where I got a 5. Meh, that didn’t help at all.

We hit up a great little chute, then dropped in to the back side of the TTA. Back up the hill we got back to the parking lot. We were out riding for a little under two hours and we didn’t really stop all that much. I was surprised at how well my legs and lungs held up. I haven’t been mountain biking much at all lately, and I was on my big bike. Add on that I have been fighting a cold for the past few days and I was expecting a pretty bleak picture.

I felt great skill wise on the bike too. My balance was good, jumping, manualing, braking, and cornering were good. It was a perfect day for a ride.

My final card was another A. Sweet, A’s and 6’s. My hand was recorded and I was looking pretty good for a long time until someone else showed up with 3 5’s. 🙁 Then, the last person to the parking lot (who won a prize for being last), pulled out an A high flush! 2 prizes for that guy.

SIMBS finished off the event with a burger BBQ that was free. I paid $5 to enter the race and at two yummy sirloin burgers. Got my money’s worth I would say.