I was at Costco getting some household items. On my way back home I was just on the onramp to the highway when I could see two dogs running toward me along the side.
I blocked traffic for a moment until the two dogs got close then I jumped out to see if I could corral them. Unfortunately there were no collars on the dogs, and they slipped through. Another truck stopped behind me and the driver and I called the dogs, and flagged down traffic.
The pooches got a little scared at this point, and made a break for the other side of the highway. They ran across our 4 lanes, across the median, and across the other 2 lanes without any incident. I was very thankful for the lack of traffic.
The other guy whistled very loudly, a skill I do not have. Both dogs came to us, and he wrestled one of them into his truck while I held the other one. Down the highway another car driver was talking with a pedestrian, so me and the painter guy drove down to her to see if she recognized the dogs. Alas she didn’t, and the painter had to head to a job, and couldn’t take the dogs with him.
We then moved the dogs to the back of my car. They enjoyed Yoshi’s bed quite a bit, and liked the views out the window. Incidentally, these were very big, fat labs, one chocolate, one black. Nice, friendly dogs.
The painter took off, and I called Sox to get the phone number to the SPCA. As I was talking to Sox I looked up in time to see flashing red and blue lights. A policeman had pulled up behind me, so I explained to him what had happened.
After a few calls I learned I would have to drop them off at the pound near Elk Lake, which was very inconvenient for me. One of the CRD people met me at Thetis Lake instead.
I really wanted to re-unite the dogs with their family, but I had no idea where they came from. Standing at the side of the highway I was really worried that I was going to watch one of them get with by a car or truck. I’m glad I was able to help the dogs, but I really hope their family finds them quick. The CRD lady mentioned that I probably saved the dogs’ lives by not leaving them there.