There was one guy doing a breaststroke, one woman going very slowly, one guy going uber fast, and one guy the same speed as me. The speedy guy started shortening his lengths so he could get around everyone else. I just did my best to stay out of everyone’s way and I think I did pretty well at that.
I swam a total of 700m tonight too. A 200m sprint, another 200m sprint, then a final 300 m sprint without stopping. Some day I might want to try and learn the kick flips. Besides looking cool they sure speed up the turn around process.
On one of my last lengths there was this woman who was treading water in the length lane. As I touched the wall and started back she asked me if I could see her key. Turned out she was trying to find her locker key that had come undone from her swim suit. I could see it, but there was no way I could swim down to get it. Someone else was able to help her retrieve it though.
After my swim I took a short dip in the hot tub, the on to the shower. Thankfully I avoided any chatty dudes this time.