I made a thing! I wanted to get a new cat scratching post for @jon.snow.the.cat.yyj but anything tall enough for him was ridiculously expensive. This one I made from some scraps, about $45 in materials, and some donated carpet from a friend. I’m quite happy with how it turned out. #cattreesareexpensive #homemade #jonnylikesit #tallcat

I made a thing! I wanted to get a new cat scratching post for @jon.snow.the.cat.yyj but anything tall enough for him was ridiculously expensive. This one I made from some scraps, about $45 in materials, and some donated carpet from a friend. I’m quite happy with how it turned out. #cattreesareexpensive #homemade #jonnylikesit #tallcat

I made a thing! I wanted to get a new cat scratching post for @jon.snow.the.cat.yyj but anything tall enough for him was ridiculously expensive. This one I made from some scraps, about $45 in materials, and some donated carpet from a friend. I’m quite happy with how it turned out. #cattreesareexpensive #jonnylikesit #tallcat