A little site news here. I modified the query that filled the recent comments box. It now ignores comments for Acno’s Energizer. The discussion going on there was polluting my recent comments, and making them lesl useful for site visitors.
Tag: Site News
Serious Images
Unholy Lesson
Let me try on your hand and see if it fits
Don’t worry I won’t touch anything unholy with it
Let it be known today, if you got two hands
You’re supposed to pray
from Hand of God by Soundgarden
That’ll teach me to take care of my own backups. Sheesh. Thankfully my webhost had a pretty recent backup of a few key directories, and in the end I didn’t lose anything I couldn’t recreate myself. Lesson learned. All should be back to normal. Yay!
Restored Site
Good god am I ever stoooooopid. I just made a huge mistake this morning, and basically wiped out my site. rm -r is a powerful weapon, and somehow I used it wrong. I only wanted to delete a specific directory, and instead I blew away everything including that directory. My main blog has now been restored (I think), but I am still missing all my galleries. Some of them may be gone for good since I wasn’t very diligent about backing them up (again, a very stoopid thing to do).
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
Time to contact my webhost to see if they can do a restore on a directory. I WILL be more diligent about that myself from now on.
Oh yeah, if you see anything amiss (outside of the galleries), please drop me a line.
Just Everything
I just upated my drupal install to the latest release. The update went fairly well, and everything was fully backed up before I attempted it. I am now running version 4.2.0. You can read about the changes here.
If you find something that doesn’t work, please let me know.
Going Live???
I think I can now go live. The bare minimum that needed to be installed, has now been installed. I just need to get the final configuration set, and import my old site content.