Grind Week

Thursday night was another training night. I got my bike on the trainer for an hours spin. Well, not so much spin as a grind.

I had put a new bike computer on recently, and the one I got has a cadence meter, and runs the speedo off the rear wheel. This is wonderful for on the trainer since I can pick a certain goal, and easily stik to it. I used to use my heart rate monitor for the same purpose, but seeing your cadence drop, or your KM/H drop i find to be more of an incentive to ride harder

I did a five minute warmup, a 15 minute high gear low RPM set, followed by a five minute, lower gear, high RPM set for recovery. I repeated the low RPM and high RPM sets, then finished up with a final 10 minute low RPM set and a five minute cool down.

I worked up quite a sweat during this workout. I am actually looking forward to doing it again next week.

The kids came down to see me and say hi. I like it when they do, but they allowed the smell of cooking dinner to waft down to me. Mmm, Sue was making a lamb hit pot meal that smelled divine. I managed to not let myself get derailed by the smell. πŸ™‚

Evening Board

Tuesday night was my swim night. I walked down to the pool after dinner, and what a perfect evening to be outside. The warm springtime air was energizing.

The pool was pretty busy, but the one open lane wasn’t too clogged. It was pretty funny to watch the people taking scuba lessons though. Swimming along with a diver below me was pretty weird.

In total I swam 1000m. I even used a kick board for the first time for 200m of that 1000. Tiring swim, but good for the body.

Goose Pace

Ride training is going well. On Wednesday Sue and I went for a ride together. We were a little limited in time (2 hours), but we had a nice day for it, and rode along the water as far as we could, then got onto the Goose and headed for home.

As we got close to Saanich municipal hall, I had a most dramatic puncture. A pop, followed by a loud hissing, which paused every time my tire rolled over the hole. Aaargh. Changing another flat. I also managed to mess up another tube, so I broke out the patch kit again. What a way to end a ride. Since Sue was meeting her mom, she carried on without me.

View Tour de Victoria April 4, 2012 in a larger map

Total distance: 42.01 km (26.1 mi)
Total time: 2:10:08
Moving time: 1:53:19
Average speed: 19.37 km/h (12.0 mi/h)
Average moving speed: 22.25 km/h (13.8 mi/h)
Max speed: 53.59 km/h (33.3 mi/h)
Average pace: 3.10 min/km (5.0 min/mi)
Average moving pace: 2.70 min/km (4.3 min/mi)
Min pace: 1.12 min/km (1.8 min/mi)
Max elevation: 61 m (201 ft)
Min elevation: -29 m (-95 ft)
Elevation gain: 1283 m (4208 ft)
Max grade: 28 %
Min grade: -36 %

After that I went to the shop and bought some new tires for my bike. Here is hoping they make a difference.

Saturday was my first ride on them. Despite my rear wheel being out of true, I had a great ride. I covered lots of great roads, felt strong the entire time, and pushed myself pretty hard along the way. I’ve been riding in a higher gear than normal and trying to grind my way through the rides. The goal is to build up my leg muscles so that on ride day I can tackle anything I want to, and not blow out my legs. 140KM is a long distance to go and killing my legs even half way through isn’t an option.

View Tour de Victoria April 7, 2012 in a larger map

Total distance: 69.36 km (43.1 mi)
Total time: 2:53:14
Moving time: 2:47:50
Average speed: 24.02 km/h (14.9 mi/h)
Average moving speed: 24.80 km/h (15.4 mi/h)
Max speed: 66.43 km/h (41.3 mi/h)
Average pace: 2.50 min/km (4.0 min/mi)
Average moving pace: 2.42 min/km (3.9 min/mi)
Min pace: 0.90 min/km (1.5 min/mi)
Max elevation: 106 m (348 ft)
Min elevation: -15 m (-49 ft)
Elevation gain: 1697 m (5567 ft)
Max grade: 32 %
Min grade: -38 %

Great ride with a decent pace. I can’t wait until next weekend now.

Muscle Biking

Since the New year I’ve been trying to get back on my bike a bit. I did that trip to Tzouhalem, and I’ve been on my road bike. This is all in early prep for the Tour de Victoria of course.

Yes it’s early, but I am using that excuse. Riding is fun, and I do enjoy it quite a bit.

Way back on Feb 5 I got out for a ride with a friend. As I was getting ready (ahem, I should say I was putting on my booties), I pulled a muscle in my back. I was sitting down and hurt my back. WTF?

Still it was such a nice day I rode anyway hoping that it would loosen me up a bit. The ride was a spectacular couple of hours. I thoroughly enjoyed it and the sunshine that we rode in. Unfortunately my back didn’t, and I was in some pretty serious back pain that took a couple weeks to resolve.

Last weekend I took my hardtail out to the dump. I still haven’t fixed the chain on my Bullit so the bike choice was easy. Mountain biking is so much different from road biking. The pace is slower, and the workout full body. And you don’t cover nearly the same distance in the same amount of time.

Here is a map of that ride.

Yesterday I got out for a solo road ride. I had aimed for a couple hours, and in the end I think it was 2.5 hours. Blustery day which made for a couple terrifying moments. One cross breeze hit me hard enough to put me into a two wheel drift. The route I ended up doing was really nice too. Prospect Lake Road is sure fun, and pretty quiet. After a few more training rides I will tackle Munn’s Road. There are some big hills on that one.

Can’t wait to get more rides in this year.

Rolling Ride

Today was the Tour de Victoria. It is hard to believe that it is over already.

Getting up this morning was pretty surreal. The big day. I ate breakfast, and got my things together. I discovered that I forgot to charge my cell last night and the battery was completely dead. Crap! I would have like the stats and the map from the actual ride.

Sue and I finished getting ready and then we rode down to her office to meet a friend. When we made our way over to the start chute, I was amazed at the number of people. So cool! We chose a location in the 3.5-4.5 range category. I was hoping to get the ride done in the 3.5 hour range.

All too soon we were off. Rolling with a large group of people. For the first 10 km we were paced by a car, which was fine by me. I stuck with Sue and A for this section. Out by the hospital, when the pace car pulled off, I said goodbye to Sue and started off on my own. This was mostly fine, but I found there were a lot of people who would ride as far left as possible. Weird since when you are passing you are supposed to pass on the left. This meant a lot of passing in the oncoming lane.

Prospect lake road was nice. The hills stretched people out a bit, and the scenery was nice. At the end we hit out first gravel section. I liked the gravel, but there were many that seemed scared of it. I motored here and passed a few people.

On the next paved section, Wallace Dr, I held a good 30 KM/H pace while one guy hung on my wheel the entire way. I didn’t mind that much, but then he pulled up beside me, thanked me for setting a good pace, then dropped back behind me again! I dropped him on the next long hill.

We then hit West Saanich. Somewhere along there the rain hit. Yuck. It was wet out. Thankfully I still have my fenders on which helped keep me a little dry. A couple riders here caught my wheel and hung on for a bit. Again, not a big deal. Then one of them pulled in front to take a turn. Unfortunately he had no fenders, which meant the spray was just soaking me! Ah well.

It surprised me when all of a sudden we were on an overpass to the Pat Bay Highway. We were on our way back to town already. The ride was flying by so quickly. It rained all the way to Sidney when it finally stopped.

On the Lochside trail I got boxed in by a group of 3 others who were doing a decent pace, but I would have liked it to be another 1 or 2 KM/H faster. The only way I could have gotten around them was to drop back, then pull around. I waited for a good time to do that.

The hill on Martindale road was a killer. At the top I was grimacing and started to feel hungry. Uh oh, that wasn’t good. I pulled out a gel and washed it down with water, and some poweraid.

Cordova Bay road was fine, but when I hit the Mt Doug Parkway I took the time to eat some more. We then took Ash to Grandview and Ferndale.

As I was climbing a hill I saw a decked out Tour de Victoria Subaru pass me. I knew it wasn’t the Lantern Rouge, but I was a little confused. Then a motorcycle with a photographer on it passed me. Again I though it was weird. Then it dawned on me. The leaders from the 140KM ride! I looked left in time to see a huge peleton of riders pass me. I think I saw Ryder Hesjedal in the mix, and I’m pretty sure I saw Trevor Linden in there too. Very cool. I tried to hang with them for a few seconds, but they were gone in a matter of minutes.

We then got on Beach Drive to Crescent Rd, then took that all the way to Beacon Hill park. King George Terrace was nastier than ever. I passed someone on it too. πŸ™‚ I think he was a sponsored rider πŸ™‚

We did a few dipsy-doodle turns through Beacon Hill park which kicked us out on Southgate St. I knew we were close to the finish line, so I started picking up the pace. Southgate turned into Superior. By now I was trucking. We had a hard turn onto Menzies and I started sprinting. The guy in front of me kept looking back and I kept closing in on him. The final turn was onto Belleville, then a short dash to the finish line. My legs were screaming, but I kept going. After crossing the line I stopped and instantly had tunnel vision, my legs were wobbly, and I felt pretty ill. Riding slowly helped clear that.

The ride was great. The organization was outstanding. The volunteers were everywhere and did a great job. Most importantly, there were a tone of spectators all along the course cheering, waving, ringing cowbells. Even in the rain.

The food at the finish line was excellent too. Fruit, water, energy bars, fresh BBQd salmon burgers, Galloping Goose sausage, chocolate milk. Yum.

I can’t wait for next year! I’l be signing up for the 140 KM event too.

My stats for the ride?
Time: 3:09
Distance: 89.12
Average Speed: 28.3 KM/H
Max Speed: 60 KM/H