Eventful weekend. It all started with Friday nights pizza eat and Government House Pumpkin Art viewing.
Pizza was good, and the kids were out in full force. Here they all are relaxing on the couch after eating a ton of pizza! It was quite the feat to get them all sitting still there for even a second.
Once it got dark it was time to head off to Government House. Here are my shots from the night.
I found the pumpkin art interesting, and some of the carvings were exquisite, but I found them rather boring to shoot. I had trouble making artsy shots. There are a few artsy fartsy shots there, but most were boring. Interestingly enough many of my shots were ended up being out of focus. I can’t believe I wasn’t paying more attention. Anyway, the artsiest shots I could come up with were a string of decorative pumpkin lights that were strung up in a hedge. I also found a line of pumpkins that was neat too.
It was kind of neat, and I might go back again, specially if Sue wants to go. She wasn’t there cuz she was still on her way back from Seattle.