Victoria got a nice blanket of fluffy white stuff last night. There are only about 3 inches or so around our place, but the wind has reorganized it in a few areas. I stepped in one snow bank that was half way up to my knee. I woke up early this morning (6:15), and since I couldn’t get back to sleep, I decided to get up and take the dogs for a walk at Macaulay Point Park. I bundled up nice and warm, grabbed my camera gear and a cup of coffee, then stepped out into the winter wonderland with two over eager dogs.
They had a great time once I let them off leash. They ran and ran and ran. Once in a while Digger would scoop snow as he was running at full speed! Meanwhile I walked much more slowly and took lots of pics. As I was deciding to leave, I noticed the beginnings of a nice sunrise, so I quickly scrambled to the highest point in the park and took a few shots. Beautiful!
Read more for the pics.
The wind kicked up and forced me off the lookout, but I went for one more lap to use up the warm light. The doggies had a great time. In all we were gone for over an hour and a half.