Last night while walking Yoshi at the park, I was reminded of the really windy walk last week. Then I remembered a strange event that occurred during that walk.
After we left the park, we saw a large line of cars making their way to the dog park. I knew their destination since every single one of the half dozen or so vehicles, had a dog of some sort riding shotgun. It was quite the sight. We continued on, and when Yoshi and I were only a half block from home the strange event occured. During one particularly strong gust I saw, out of the corner of my eye, a strange orange blob, bouncing down the road. I took a closer look. I was really curious, what was thing bright object? As I bent over to examine it, I realized I was staring at a lit cigarette butt.
Just then another gust began to send the butt flying again, so I quickly stomped on it to put it out. Bizzare.
I couldn’t help but think back to the summer and all the forrest fires that BC had. I also remembered Coreman’s post about a moron who carelessly discarded his cigarette during the height of the fire season. Morons abound.