A Night of Improv
It was hilarious. Sue and I went a year ago, and it was pretty funny. Those seats were up quite high on the balcony.
This show was completely different. We were very close to the stage, and we could see every facial expression. Their skits were funny. They played some of the same games that they do on Who’s Line, but being in the large crowd, the laughter was contagious, and everything was way more funny than the last show we saw.
With it being the late show I was wondering how the show would turn out. Either the first show would be a good warmup, or it would tire them out. I would go with the warmup route.
One bad side was that some of the skits went on too long. On tv they can edit out parts of skits, and generally shorten things up if needed. Can’t really do that with a live show. You could tell that a couple skits they just wanted to end, but couldn’t get the ending in there. The worst was the Improv Jeopardy. It started off really funny, but went on too long. Then there was an improved song that they just coundn’t end. Don’t get me wrong, it was still hilarious, but it just felt like it dragged on.
Another negative was the length. In total the show was 1.5 hours long ( a good length), but it seemed like 20 minutes. It just went by so quickly! 😀
Sue, kaptaink, and myself were kept in stitches for most of the show, and Greg Proops’ opening monologue was quite funny. There is something about a show like that, that is best seen live. Definitely worth the price of admission.