This weekend is turning out to be a good one, and it just started.
Tonight Sue and I started the weekend by going out for dinner to the Tapas Bar. Very yummy.
Tomorrow morning I am meeting up with a couple friends for a ride. Tomorrow afternoon I recover from the ride.
Sunday is the big day. I am going to go to play drop in Ultimate, then Sue and I have a coffee date with some friends in the afternoon. Sunday evening is Jims BBQ.
Monday Sue and I will go check out the parade a little, then we are off to go mountain biking with some of her co-workers. After that I will need some recovery time.
I have taken Tuesday off, but I will have some running around to do, and that definitely includes picking up the new Audioslave CD. I have been listening to the mp3 version of the disc, and it totally kicks ass! Tuesday afternoon we board a ferry to head to Vancouver to see Collective Soul play at the Commodore.
Wednesday morn we return, but since I took that day off too, I get to go home and relax a bit.