Morning Escape

sure footed in the woods

After several days of intense rain, something made me want to go mountain biking. On Friday I told a co-worker that I would definitely be in for a Sunday ride. This morning, seeing the wind and rain almost made me want to change my mind. Instead I perservered and went anyway. It turned out to be a great ride, and I am glad I went.

Taking Yoshi with me, I picked up Mike, met up with another friend of his, then the three of us, and the two dogs piled into my truck on our way to the dump. Yoshi was itching for a big run, and as we left the parking lot I wondered if the weather would hold. The route I took kept us to the lower trails. I chose this specifically so I could keep an eye on my dog to make sure he could handle the exercise. If something were to go wrong I knew I could easily get myself and Yoshi out quickly.

An escape route was never needed. As we rode through the trees, I looked up and saw blue. Turned into quite a nice day after all.

At the end of the ride I was pretty pooped. Yesterday’s yardwork, and today ride have left me quite wiped. It is a great feeling though.

Yoshi did great too. At the start he was running around all over the place, up on the hills, down in the puddles, alongside me, in front of me, and once in a while he lagged behind me. He was pretty slow by the end of the ride, which was nice to see. This afternoon you can hardly tell I have a dog. He has been curled up sleeping the entire day away. He is a little stiff when he gets up though. He might have overdone it a little.

After eating some lunch, and having a long hot shower, all I can think about is a nap. Not today though. I have too many other things I want to do.