The zoo was awesome. The walk through it wasn’t too bad, but it was beautiful. The gardening was nice, the animal enclosures looked nice, and we actually got to see a lot of the animals. We saw gibbons, tamarinds, baboons, chimps, giraffe’s, a zebra, an ostrich, dingo’s, otters a meerkat, and lots more. The one animal I was really wanting to see was the Red Panda, which is a relative of the raccoon. They are also nicknamed firefox 🙂 Alas I caught a glimpse of one scurrying through the bush, and never got to actually see it.
Below is a Malayan Sun Bear, also called a honey bear. Gorgeous animals that seem very curious.
The zoo had a bunch of hilarious signs like this scattered throughout the zoo. This was my favorite. Another good one was “If you feed the animals they will get sick and may die.”.
The giraffe enclosure was my favorite. Their were three giraffes there, and the way their pen was set up, they could get close to you. Very close to you.
We had lunch at the zoo. Sox and Sprout had hotdogs, and I found a panini in the cafe (I didn’t feel like anything on the menu inside the zoo). Sox was a little surprised at the color of her hotdog. Sprout found a new favorite juice drink too!