Afternoon Gardens

After the zoo visit we wanted to have a quieter afternoon. We had decided to take the cable car to the botanic gardens.

Driving through downtown turned out to be a nightmare. It was gridlock for a very long time, and took us close to an hour to get close to the cable car, and to find parking. We did it though, and bought our tickets, and headed up.

At the top there was a spectacular view of Wellington’s port.

There was also a cable car museum at the top, with an old car to play around on.

Then there were the gardens.  They weren’t in full bloom any more which would have been spectacular, but the gardens are still beautiful. I would have liked to spend more time walking and taking pictures, but Beet was napping in her stroller, so I took her for a walk around, stopping at the observatory and planetarium at the top of the hill.

At the top there was a cool sundial.  It works through human interaction where you stand on the correct date, clasp your hands together and point them directly up in the air.  Your shadow points to the correct time.

It was a very hot day to be out in the sun, but Sprout still had a good time. He played lots on the awesome playground while Beet napped. Thankfully there was a breeze that day that helped cool us down. No breeze and the temp sky rocketed.

After collecting our car again, we set out for the hotel. We got a little lost, and in the time it took to get us back on track, both kids fell asleep in their car seats. To help them sleep and to help us see more of the area, we went for a drive along the coast. We followed the road along Oriental Bay, then into Evans Bay. Such beauty in this area. Hills across the bay, clear crisp looking water, blue sky.

We got back to the hotel after 5:30 so we went to München Burger across the street. It looked like a quaint, local greasy spoon burger shack. It wasn’t that good and was a big disappointment. Sox ended up having something else at the hotel bar.

That night while the kids slept we watched a movie, then called it a night. It was a fun filled day that tuckered us all out.