On boxing day I went into a Chapters and spied several books that I would love to read if I had the free cash and the free time.
Yesterday I was in Munro’s and spotted a couple more books that looked interesting:
Googled: The End of the World as We Know It
Yesterday I was also in Lens and Shutter perusing.
I fell in love with the Gary Fong flash diffuser sets until I saw how big they were. Huge. I then looked at some other diffuser options. I ended up finding the diffuser I wanted at a reasonable price, but they didn’t have the one I needed for the Canon 430EX.
I also spied a wonderful new camera bag. The Crumpler $7 Million Home. Looks awesome, and I think it would hold my gear more comfortably than the current bag I have.
What’s the point of typing all this up? To remember for later. If when I have a job and I have some spare cash I still think I want these items, I now have it recorded what they were.