I was still a little concerned about my leg so I took it easy the whole night. I only did a couple full sprints and that was enough for me. I felt a couple small twinges, but nothing major. It should be fine for next week’s game.
One of my sprints I was chasing down a disc that had been hucked to the endzone. The disc was hanging in the air against an opponent and I managed to swat the disc without any foul. The other person was standing still in the endzone waiting for the disc and I came flying in from the side. After I hit it, the disc actually made forward progress toward a second opponent. I followed the disc and knocked it down again. I would have rather caught it, but the situation prevented that.
This season I am really enjoying not being typecast into a handling role. I don’t mind doing it once in a while, but I really want to get out and run. Hopefully I can get my cardio level back up to where it needs to be.