Ever wonder why they give everyone a bag? Well, it makes for much easier packing of the trucks.
In all it was a chill morning which was a very different vibe than normal. In the start chute there was a mix of anticipation and nervousness. I was looking forward to this day for quite a while. Soon enough my group was in the start chute. After a minute it was our turn to go.
This was this short stage but the first few climbs were still hard. My legs needed to wake up and as soon as we climbed enough to get to the Seymour Parkway they were feeling great. We climbed up the road a ways before it was party time.
That’s not the party I mean though. The Red Bull car was pumping some tunes at the side of the road giving the racers some motivation. The party I meant was the downhill section. The bike patrol was warning everyone coming up the parkway to get their bike in ‘party mode’. 🙂 The first descent was a lot of fun and I think a wake up call for some people. Some steep sections, some steeper rick faces, tricky bits, bot nothing too dangerous.
I enjoyed it immensely and didn’t want it to end. Unfortunately it did them we headed up again. I didn’t stop at the aid station except I did grab a watermelon slice on the way through. Up ahead there was a big cheer section that were giving it out little samples of beer! Don’t mind if I do. Back into single track and up we went. The climbing trail was awesome. Lots of the guy switchbacks, but with an easy grade. Some people had troubles with the corners, but somehow I kept spinning up them.
The final descent was another technical one and thankfully there were no traffic jams. I monster trucked over a lot of stuff and passed quite a few people. People either heard me coming or pulled over when I announced I was coming up. It really was a lot of fun.
Suddenly we popped out on the road for a final short sprint to the finish. Day 5 was now done and it was time to clean up and get ready to move on to Squamish.
Sue and the kids caught up to me at the finish line. The kids went to the Rocky Mountain lemonade stand and got some bike shaped gummy treats.
After a quick visit I got my bike stowed for transport to Squamish, had a quick shower, another snack, a Slurpee delivered by Sue, then got in line for a bus ride to Squamish, our base camp for the night.
Stunning mountains all around! What a gorgeous place to camp.