Tag: yyj
Beauty of a day on the trails. Super tacky dirt, slippery roots and rocks, and puddles.
#mtbvi #yyj #mountainbiking #bikesarefun
#mtbvi #yyj #mountainbiking #bikesarefun
Looking through the emergency kit (you have one right?) I realized it is way more out of date than I thought. The food and water in the bottom right expired in 2015! I fixed the food issue by buying the big tub from @totalprepare that has a shelf life of 25 years. Now to check into what needs to be done for the water filter. #emergencypreparedness #emergencyprep #earthquake #thebigone #yyj #areyouprepared
Saw this rainbow during my ride today. I rode fast but didn’t find the pot of gold at the end. #mtbvi #yyj #mountainbiking #bikesarefun #rainbow #doublerainbow
Yep, all signed up for the last two races of the year. Who else is up for these races? #enduro #mtbvi #yyj #mountainbiking #bikesarefun #blindracing #notsmartbutfun
Took a little spin today. It was a recovery ride from the race on the weekend. Whole body was pretty tight and some ribs were complaining (I bruised a couple in the race) a bit during some of the efforts. Beauty day to be out there. #unemploymentridesaregreat #cycling #yyj #bikesarefun
When it’s hot AF, you’re riding solo, and the ride leader takes you up a minefield full of baby head sized rocks. #notimpressed #sohot #mtbvi #yyj #mountainbiking #bikesaredumb
Well that ain’t right. Mechanicals are a part of riding, but they can be a real drag at times. At least it was sunny and warm and there was a nice patch of grass.
#droppedchain #mechanical #cycling #yyj #bikesarefun
#droppedchain #mechanical #cycling #yyj #bikesarefun