Tonight was the latest shoot of the photo club. It was rough shooting tonight. Fading light, wind, rain, and having borrowed a friends camera all added to the difficulty level.
Our shot was located at the Government House. I had never been there before. Tres cool! There are lots of neat gardens to shoot, a small waterfall, a duck pond (with some wacked out ducks), and of course the mansion itself.
The camera I was using proved rather taxing. About 5 pictures into the shoot, the battery warning started flashing. Then, I was having trouble focusing my shots properly. There were all sorts of blinky lights going off, and none of them were green. Perhaps RTFM should be my motto from now on. I was getting a bit frazzled by the end.
Anyway, it was quite fun to wander around there.
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Our next meeting is in two weeks, and I will need to figure out some other interesting place to shoot. By the time 6:45 rolled around tonight, there wasn’t enough light left to shoot easily. I will have to try and arrange an indoor venue.
Any ideas? }:)