Today was the SPCA Walkathon that I mentioned previously
It was quite foggy as we left this morning, and that made standing around before the start a little chilly. There were lots of dogs, and even more people. Sue and I were both quite surprised at the turnout. Hopefully it turned out to be a great fundraiser for the SPCA. Sue and I raised $200 thanks in large part to our friends, co-workers, and family. Thanks guys, the pledges definitely went to a good cause.
Prior to the start we checked out the tents, and watched some of the Capital Comets doing agility. This guy loved the A-frame. He would get to the top, and stop there to look at all the dogs down below.
Soon it was time to go. Holy smokes there were lots of people and dogs participating.
Yoshi made friends with Ginger and we walked with her for a while.
The Sun popped out from behind the clouds, and warmed everyone up.
It was quite the sight to see that many dogs out for a walk, all at once. The best part was that I didn’t see or hear any dogs not getting along. Absolutely wonderful. A very cute sight was an older woman pushing a baby carriage that contained here little dog. I guess he was too tired!
We started at Ogden Point, and the turnaround was Mile Zero. Since this was in the off leash area, we let Yoshi off to go run around a bit. It was a sea of dogs there. All shapes, sizes, colors, and breeds. Lots of fun! The above picture is of Yoshi and Sue as we were about to start walking back.
It was lots of fun, and it sure felt great to help out a cause that I believe in.