Crazy busy Christmas Season. Friday was VMI’s Christmas thing. We went out for lunch, then we headed to a movie. Lunch was adequate, but the movie was good.
Yesterday I finished my shopping off! Yay! 🙂 I still have a bit of wrapping to do, but that is the fun part.
Last night was our friends silly gift exchange. Lots of fun was had, and I ended up with some silly gold covered angel candles after Rhiannon stole my microwave self-buttering popcorn maker.
Today Sue, Krist, me, and the two dogs had a nice walk at Thetis lake. More relaxing is in store for today. Pretty soon we start our Christmas travelling. 🙁 It will be nice to see everyone, but I am not looking forward to all the driving (to Langley, to Nanaimo, to Powell river, then back to Victoria). I know it is going to be a great Christmas.