An early morning led to a spectacular day. Spectacular in the fact that I had a great time. Myself, Sean, and Shane went snowboarding today, and it was my first time this season. What a way for me to start the season.
Let’s start with the pre game show. I managed to pick up Sean and Shane on time, so we were able to leave Victoria on time. The drive to the mountain literally sped by. On the hill while gearing up I could tell that the snow was in great condition. Thursday night there was a 55 cm dump, then a smaller dump Friday night. It was also cold, colder than I was expecting. Combine these two conditions, and you get wicked powder!
Yep, the quest for the day was untracked powder. It was delicious, and I consumed all I could. While Sean was taking a break, Shane and I hit a few tree runs. More powder. Along the sides of the groomed was more untracked powder. It was amazing.
The weather was a little foggy at times, but it was always clear at the bottom. The wind kicked up a couple times too, so that added to the chilliness.
I felt pretty good all day, but my right foot was always getting sore on the lift up. I ride goofy foot, so maybe the weight of the board was causing it, I am not sure. I also think I want to buy some better bindings. The straps on mine would loosen part of the way down the run. Take out the equipment factor, and I was very happy with the day.
All in all it was a long day (left Victoria at 5:45 am, and got home 7:00 pm), but it was most definitely a fun road trip.