Sunday KaptainK and JJ, myself and Suede, and JennV went for a wonderful trek out at Thetis Lake. The snow was a lot deeper there than in town, and it was quite beautiful to be out in. Of course the dogs that came with us absolutely loved it too. We took a different trail than normal and it took us up high to a lookout over the lake. It was pretty amazing. There was lots of snow, but the temp was just perfect for a nice walk. The trail had been packed down quite a bit which made it easy to follow the trail, but a little slippery at times, especially for JJ who was wearing running shoes. 🙂
Of course now the snow is almost completely gone, and I am a little sad. It was pretty nice to see while it was here, and getting around was only difficult for a day or so. We might get some more before the weekend, but it is unlikely we will get as much as the last dump.