Revved Shivering

Qualicum Beach

Last weekend Suede and I visited my mom in Nanaimo. Yoshi was pretty revved up and looking for some exercise so we took a quick trip up to Qualicum Beach to let him run around. And run he did! He had a great time romping on the beach, splashing in the water, and chasing after sticks.

Qualicum Beach

The rest of us did our best to avoid the wet hound, and stay warm. It was a little windy out, and that made it a little chilly right on the water. Yoshi kept playing until he was shivering he was so cold.

Qualicum Beach

After getting back to the car, we towelled down Yoshi, packed him in the car, and headed back to my moms. Yoshi was pretty knackered after that run.

Pics are here.