Having espoused how much I like the warm weather, I must admit that riding in really warm weather isn’t always a great time. The ground is really dry, so traction is an issue, and sweating buckets isn’t a lot of fun. However, nothing can beat the views on a clear blue sky kind of day.
Yesterday Sean and I (and my two bike buddies) tackled the dump. We wanted to get a jump on the days heat, so we started the ride around 9. Good time. There was hardly anyone parked in the lot when we got there, and the temp was just about perfect. Stoping before the bottom entrance to Skull there was a nice gentle breeze flowing along the fireroad that cooled us down. The warm sun beating down on us, and a cool breeze to even things out. Hand me a beer, fire up the barbeque, set out the lawn chairs, and I would have been in heaven.
Instead we kept going and I had a great ride. I am feeling pretty good on the bike these days. It feels like my training is paying off. I feel strong and fast on the climbs, my balance is the best it has ever been (I think), and I am generally just having a lot of fun each and every time I get out on the trails. Sean was having a good ride too (as is evidenced by him riding C-Section in the pic).
Up the switchbacks we went, still not knowing what our end destination was going to be.
Such a gorgeous day.
We played on the log ride at the top of the switchbacks, and I got a couple shots of Sean riding it.
We chose to hit Snakes and Ladders. It is always a fun rip. Also, because it was warm, neither of us was wearing arm armour, so Snakes was a way to keep ourselves safe. We both knew htat if we took a more advanced trail that we woul be tempted to ride something big. Crashing without arm protection sucks. I have done it a few times, and it just hurts. The trip down Snakes was good. Every time I hit that trail now I think back to the DH race that was on that trail. That race was so much fun, and I always have good memories of what happened on my race run. Yesterdays ride was no exception.
At the end of the ride, and after loading the truck I did my post warm ride ritual of hosing down my head. It feels so good to get the sweat off my face, and the cooling action as the water drips in heavenly. Another great west coast ride.