So, here is the scoop. I feel like I have been very negative here on the blog as of late. I am not sure why, but it seems like I have just been using this blog as a place to vent. I am going to try and curb that a little.
So let’s begin now.
Today was a fairly productive day around the house. While Sox was walking Yoshi, I got outside and started raking the leaves in the front yard. Wow. I had done the back yard already (not that you could tell by looking at it right now), so I thought the front would be a little easier. Wrong. Big time wrong. I was working hard for close to 3.5 hours. Raking in to piles, piling onto a tarp, taking the tarp to the truck, dumping it, and repeating.
Felt good to get it done, but I was sure beat by the time I was done. So far this year I have taken 4 full truck loads of leaves to the municipal yard. I am very glad that I have access to that resource. It is close to home, and free for Esquimalt residents. Sweet deal all around.
The municipal yard is well used too. Each time I have taken a load there, it is full of people dropping yard waste off. Way better than taking it out to Hartland.