Coffee Flavor

Well, I think I have this coffee thing figured out now. The beans are still a little hit and miss, but with good beans, I can make the most delicious double shot Americano, or a delicious latte (as seen here).

The key I found, and sort of knew previously, is the tamping of the grounds. Once I got a tamper, the flavour really started to come out.

Beans play an important role too. So far Kicking Horse Coffee Cliff Hanger Espresso have been amazing. Fair trade, shade grown coffee from a BC company. This past week I have been using some been I grabbed in Maui. 10% Kona blend with Maui beans. Mmmm, fresh and tasty.

The last thing I’d like to change in my grinder. I have a burr grinder, but I’d like a better one that doesn’t get clogged up quite so often. And it must have a timer switch, not a button that I have to hold.