Man Trapped

Last night was our first double header of summer league. The first game got going late, and was actually a bit of a let down. Noone was running very hard. Nobody showed any energy. The points came pretty easily, and we ended up winning. The game was just weird though and I didn’t enjoy it at all.

The second game was totally different. We played against the top team who was undefeated. They had many excellent players including a husband/wife combo who are both national level players. The rest of their team was just damn good. This game would be a challenge to us.

Sure enough they got off to a great start. They were up 6-1 and it wasn’t looking so good for us. Then we changed our luck and started playing better. We scored a couple points and started to get a little momentum. The teams went back and forth for a while experimenting with zone and man coverage on a perfect ulti night (a slight breeze, sunshine, and warmth).

I managed to catch a couple points on the night and felt my throwing was pretty decent. I screwed up a couple times, but overall I was happy with how I felt. On defence I made a few blocks to be proud of. In all my game was going pretty well.

Then there was the play that made my night. My team was on offence and I was striking for the endzone. I had broken from my check and was right where I should be. Then I looked back and saw the disc was going to come up short. I put on the brakes, dove backward trying to make the catch. My fingers hit the disc. It flipped up and I fell down hard on the ground. I then felt the disc land on my outstretched arm. Quickly I looked up and saw it balanced on my arm. With my other hand I reached up and trapped the disc against my arm before it touched the ground. An opponent was right there watching (one of the national level players) and he called it a fair catch. Somehow the disc never hit the ground. He congratulated me on the catch and the rest of my team caught up. Big smile on my face. Of course, the ground was hard like cement so I lost some skin on my knee, hip, side, and elbow.

As time was winding down we were down by a point. We tied it up, then scored another on the last point. We had won the game. Totally awesome.