Serious question for anyone who rides in a trainer. When I’m outside I can clear my sinuses with a good farmer. What do people do indoors? I’ve never had this happen before , but my last couple trainer sessions I’ve been having trouble getting air in through the nostrils. #cycling #yyj #bikesarefun #training #trainer #indoorcycling #paincave #messypaincave

Serious question for anyone who rides in a trainer. When I’m outside I can clear my sinuses with a good farmer. What do people do indoors? I’ve never had this happen before , but my last couple trainer sessions I’ve been having trouble getting air in through the nostrils. #indoorcycling #paincave #messypaincave
Serious question for anyone who rides in a trainer. When I’m outside I can clear my sinuses with a good farmer. What do people do indoors? I’ve never had this happen before , but my last couple trainer sessions I’ve been having trouble getting air in through the nostrils. #cycling #yyj #bikesarefun #training #trainer #indoorcycling #paincave #messypaincave