Sigh. My bike hates me. Put on new brake pads yesterday and forgot to properly bend the cotter pin in place. Thankfully I noticed this before I lost a brake pad and did any damage. #mtbvi #yyj #mountainbiking #bikesarefun #yourbikehatesyou #ziptietotherescue #bodgejob

Sigh. My bike hates me. Put on new brake pads yesterday and forgot to properly bend the cotter pin in place. Thankfully I noticed this before I lost a brake pad and did any damage. #mtbvi #yyj #mountainbiking #bikesarefun #yourbikehatesyou #ziptietotherescue #bodgejob

Sigh. My bike hates me. Put on new brake pads yesterday and forgot to properly bend the cotter pin in place. Thankfully I noticed this before I lost a brake pad and did any damage. #yourbikehatesyou #ziptietotherescue #bodgejob