Glad it’s not me.

Driving to work this morning I saw all the kiddies walking to school. I must admit that I got a little nostalgic, and remembered my walk to school in years gone past.

In many ways I miss school, elementary, high school, and university. I don’t miss it enough to want to go back right now, but the nice thing about school is that every day is a little different, you are always learning new stuff, and there is a little more socialization possible.
Then there are the downsides: unreasonable deadlines, studying, tests, quizzes, exams, midterms, profs/teachers you can’t understand, the expense. Hmm, maybe working is better after all!

New sport

Well, this past weekend saw me and “she” visiting some friends who had rented a house for a couple weeks up on Lake Cowichan. The ski boat was there, and I got to try wakeboarding! What a blast. I managed to get up on my third try.

A few tips from some guys that had tried it, and I managed to get up my third attempt. I managed to make turns within the wake and was quite amazed at how much turning on a wakeboard feels so similar to turning on a snowboard.

I can’t wait to try it again sometime. When I do I will probably try getting outside the wake to see how that feels.

Back from the road trip

I am back from vacation, back to work, and fully into the moving thing. I am really looking forward to being in the new place. Moving is a pain, but the end result is going to be superb. The riding trip was excellent. 5 rides in three days. The trails were moind blowingly fun. The people were some of the nicest I have met. The accomodations were perfect. The weather was unbeatable. The bike was adequate. I really would have preferred to take the Bullit, but the Chameleon was more than up to the task. It even saw a bit of air here and there.

Ack, my poor bike.

Grrr, bad news. I am leaving on vacation on this Friday (August 2, 2002). I am, heading to Rossland and Nelson to do some riding. My bike is broken!

I thought it would be a good idea to get the forks overhauled before heading up there. While my bike was in the shop, they noticed a crack in the frame. I am just lucky that I have a second bike that I can take instead. Even still, I am going to have to swap some parts. I talked to
Santa Cruz, and even more lucky for me is the fact that they are going to warantee the broken part.

– Smokers –

I am going to preface this by stating that I do not hate smokers themselves. I am sure that most of them are quite nice people. I just think that smokers need to show more common sense, and courtesy to non smokers. I myself have tried smoking a little. Not something I am going to continue with, but I am glad I tried it because now I know I definitely don’t want to be a smoker. On to what bugs me about smokers.

Here in Victoria legislation has been passed that bans smoking in restaurants and pubs. To many non smokers, this sounds like a great idea. To get around this, many restaurants built a “patio”. Many went to such extremes as to put up walls around their “patio”, and pipe in heating ducts. Smokers now have to be seated on the patio if they want to smoke before or after their meal. Additionally, smokers have to step out to the patio ti light up if they are eating inside. This means that if a non smokers wants to sit outside on the patio in the summer, they must put up with much more smoke than they had to before the legislation was introduced. I quite enjoy eating on the patio in the summer, but I can’t stand it now due to the over abundance of smokers out there. It truly diminishes my dining experience. Now, I personally don’t apply this to when I am seated with a smoker. This occurs of my own free will.

Another thing that really iritates me about a smoker is when they throw a cigarette butt out the window of a car. Come on smokers, quit littering. Ever walked beside a road and look into the rain gutter? It truly is disgusting how many butts you will see there. Why do smokers throw their butts out the window anyway? It doesn’t make any sense. Not only is it disgusting, but in the dry summer season, it can be dangerous since the still lit cigarette could start a road side fire. I just don’t get it.

IF you got any thoughts, drop me an email