Snowy Suede

high tide today

Snow days are here again! We have had cold and snowy weather the past few days here in Victoria, and I must admit that it is pretty nice to get snow once in a while, as long as it doesn’t stay around too long. This morning Suede and I took Yoshi for a quick spin at the park before having to run some errands. He and Digger will get a better walk this afternoon.

high tide today

On the way home these ice and snow encrusted ferns caught my attention. There were lots of icicles hanging off this rock, but the way the ice surrounded the ferns was pretty cool.

snow and ice encrusted ferns

snow and ice encrusted ferns

I did some playing in Paintshop with a few of these. The above one I aplied a soft focus filter.

snow and ice encrusted ferns

This picture I changed to black and white, then darkened the darks a bit.

snow and ice encrusted ferns

I duplicated this picture, deepend the colors, merged back to the original, then applied the soft focus. I like the way it looks. Kind of dream like.

snow and ice encrusted ferns

snow and ice encrusted ferns

snow and ice encrusted ferns

I tried to make this picture colder looking by duplicating it, adding a blue filter, then merging back to the original.

snow and ice encrusted ferns

Aphro looking out at the snow

Our cat Aprhodite is none too impressed with the white stuff.