Christmas Tapes

This past Friday our group of friends had their annual Christmas party that includes a crazy gift exchange. It was lots of fun as usual, and the gifts were still lame as usual. The whole point of the gifts exchange is to grab something from your house that you don’t want any more. Nothing like old VHS tapes, old picture frames, and well loved candle holders.

One of the rules to the exchange is that if you regift something from the previous year, it must be altered somehow. Well, a long time ago there was a Spice Girls puzzle that showed up. It was unopened. The next year it was put together and mounted. The next year it was a set of placemats, the following year a mobile, the following year their faces were glued to a set of camp chairs, and last year Sox and I turned it into a marionette. It was then retired to be replaced by Flat Cat.

Flat Cat spends a year with the owner, and has a travel log that must be filled out, including pictures of its travels. Very cool. This is now the treasured item in the group. I think everyone wants a turn with the cat.