But, goals are external while intentions focus on the internal self and relationships to yourself and others.
Last year I made a couple health related things habits. I wanted to get better at flossing since I’ve has issues with my teeth for a long time. For quite a while I had a habit of stretching.
Then we went on vacation. I kept up with the flossing, but regular stretching fell by the wayside.
This year I intend to get better with stretching, and a few other habits around the house. I’ve needed to get my email inboxes under control for a while. My Pocket reading list is 800 plus articles. Our house quite often gets outs of control. My backlog of RSS items sometimes balloons.
I intend to get life under control and to keep on top of my health. I’m now back to using Habitica to have fun and hold, myself accountable. I’ve got regular items to tidy the house, manage my digital inboxes, stretch, do core workouts, and more. I am also wanting to eat more healthy. For this I am using Moderation
So here they are, publicly, now. My intentions.