We drove up to Duncan to get our Christmas tree and just as we neared the tree farm, the rain turned to snow! That definitely made the drive worth it.

We drove up to Duncan to get our Christmas tree and just as we neared the tree farm, the rain turned to snow! That definitely made the drive worth it.
It says a lot about my week when I consider waking at 5am “sleeping in”. Bit of a disaster sleep-wise this week.
Joined a meeting I setup and waited a few minutes for the other person. They never showed and it took me far too long to realize I forgot to invite them. 🤦♂️
Hey, you’re not supposed to park that there! #movingday
Slightly modified @tourdevictoria start location, but just as beautiful. It’s going to be a great day to ride! #tourdevictoria
Little known fact: @elevenspeedcoffee started off with wheat germ delivery 🤣#shoplocal #deliverybybike #wheatgerm #fakenews
Tech rumour of the day is Apple working on a ChatGPT-like LLM. Imagine a Siri backed by the Apple GPT that could allow us to tune the responses? If I’m in a bad mood maybe I want Siri to be nice. Most others days a snarky Siri would be amazing.
What an amazing show last night by @wilibreakstrings Sue and I always love watching the band play. The @mateada.guayaki venue was very cool as well. #serpentdink #canadaday
Yesterday we went down to @esquimalthighschool to check out the @esquimaltatomsmashers open house and see their robots up close. Amazing amount of work goes into these by the students. #roboticsclub #firstrobotics #esquimalt
Spending some time at a different kind of office. #blooddonor #blooddonation #itsinyoutogive #canadianbloodservices #112