Tag: Aphro
Our cat Aphrodite (Aphro for short)
Downstairs Food
Then the problems started. Apparently she got lazy. Or maybe she is mad. Maybe she was just confused. In any case, Aphro has begun to pee on my clothes, and has pooped in our office closet. How do you motivate a car to walk downstairs to use the litter instead of my clothing?
The topper was yesterdays vet visit. It was Aphro’s regular yearly visit. The vet complimented her teeth and said they were in excellent health, and had very little plaque and no gingivitis. The TD food does work! However, the vet also mentioned that Aphro is overweight. Other than that, she is in excellent health.
To help with weight problem, we moved her food and water back downstairs near the litter. Hopefully she will now remember to use the litter, and that by having the food down there she will get more exercise and/or eat less food.
I am tired of having peed on clothing. Yeuck.
Scared Kick
This is our cat Aphro. She likes this time of year because of the furnace. When she hears it kick in in the morning she jumps off the bed and sits on the vent. Evidently she likes it at night too.
Flower Duvet
Here, Yoshi is using a flower pot as a pillow. Yeah, that seems comfortable.
In these pictures, Aphro has situated herself between the duvet and the duvet cover. Just because the duvet cover itself was not comfortable enough, she had to get right on the duvet.
Cute Pets
Happy Day
Presumed Buried

Most evenings Aphro is sleeping on our bed. Tonight when I put something away in the room, I commented to Sox that the cat was missing. I presumed she was downstairs eating.
When Sox went into our room, she discovered Aphro had buried under the covers, and was sleeping soundly. Aphro is so cute some times.
Aphro Timing

I was working from home this week, looking after Yoshi. While working, I looked out the window and saw Aphro staring at a fly on the fence. I knew she was going to try and get it, so I grabbed the camera and got ready. I got lucky with my timing. It would seem like our kitty jump training has ben producing results. She got the fly!
Hiding Me
Paws Herself

I went into the bedroom yesterday to put on some socks. As I was about to sit on the bed I saw these two paws sticking out from under the duvet. Aww, so cute. Usually when we are changing the duvet, she will hide herself in the duvet, but this is the first time we had seen her do it with a sheet on the bed, and a cover on the duvet.