Turkey Update

The dinner went off well. “She” did an awesome job of cooking the bird. It turned out amazing. The supporting cast was potatoes, brussel sprouts, sweet potatoes, gravy, carrots, stuffing. Much wine and beer was consumed. The conversation flowed as our families met for the first time. It was a great evening.

Now to concentrate on the rest of the weekend. We have a large pasta dinner to prepare, a birthday party of sorts to arrange, and a run to do. I am doing the 8km race in the Royal Victoria Marathon, but “she”, and some of her family, will be running the half marathon.

The weather so far has been amazing. I am hoping it will hold.

Blogchalking the new way to be seen?

I stumbled upon BlogChalking today. You can read about it at http://www.blogchalking.tk/

I signed up mainly just for fun. Here is mine:
This is my new blogchalk:
Canada, British Colombia, Victoria, Esquimalt, English, , Greg, Male, 26-30, Mountain Biking. 🙂

This seems like a great way of finding blogs like yours, or blogs made by people close to you. For example, this google search is for all the blogchalked blogs near me in Victoria that speak english.

Gobble gobble!

gobble gobbleIt’s that time of year again where we get together with friends and family to feast. This past year for me has been an excellent one. Much in my life has changed, and definitely for the better.

This weekend marks a bit of a milestone for me. Both my family, and the family of “she” are converging on our home. For me this is the first time my family has me the family of my girlfriend. Not only that, but we will be cooking our very first turkey dinner. While we are very excited about this, it is a little overwhelming. I will let you know how it all works out.

I hope you all have an excellent Thanksgiving weekend.

A North Shore Ride Report (how I break my brakes)

This past Saturday found me in Vancouver. A friend of mine hopped on the ferry from Victoria, and I was to meet KirkH, and rotr no more for a spin on the shore.

I picked Mike up at the ferry, and the first surprise was that another friend Jason was there too. Seems Jason had returned from his year long stint in Yellowknife a little early.

We loaded my truck, then set off for Mt Fromme. After arriving, we strapped our gear to ourselves and poceeded slowly up the long climb. It was quite eery because of the low laying cloud. Peering through the trees all we could see was mist. People disappered and reappeared from the mist frequently. It was surreal hearing people make their way towards me, or away from me, but not being able to actually see them.

After what seemed like a couple hours (really only about an houre) we reached the first trail we would take. Upper Oil Can was the choice. We donned our gear, ate some food, lowered the saddles, and soon it was time to ride. Only a few hundred yards into the trail I started to hear an odd clicking noise from the rear of my bike. I stopped to check it out, but couldn’t find anything. I rode another few yards, ad heard it some more. I stopped for a more thorough inspection, and that was when I found it. My rear Hayes caliper had broken! It looked to me like the bottom bolt had follen out a while ago. As I continued braking over the past couple ride, the metal in the mount for the caliper was bent, and rebent repeatedly until it finally let go.

I was quite unhappy. How do you finish a ride with no rear brake? With a little ingenuity, and a few zip ties (thanks Tim), I was able to get the caliper to stay in place while I continued my ride. My conidence was shot on the first few drops so I walked, but I soon began to trust the hacked together repair job. I still had rear brakes, they just felt a little mushy. I did a few drops to test the strength. I found I could still come to a stop quickly enough.

Soon enough we finished Oil Can, so we headed down the fireroad a couple minutes to Expresso. Here we met up with Dave K and Meagan. His previous plans were cancelled due to the inclemant weather. I had never ridden Expresso before, so I was excited to ride something new. It was a very fun trail. There were a few ladder bridges, steep rock faces, root drops, log rides. All sorts of stuff a visitor to the North Shore trails wants to experience.

After dropping onto Baden Powell we traversed back towards the vehicles. Meagan pointed us towards an older North Shore trail caller Digger (I think that was what we rode). It was also a good trail. Some steeps, some loose stuff, and some drops.

We were spit out on a street not too far from the vehicles. We debated on whether or not to head for food, but in order for Mike and Jason to make the 3pm ferry, we needed to leave immediately.

That was our choice, so our day on the North Shore was over. It was a blast. I should have some pictures in a couple days.

Thanks again to Tim and Kirk for riding with us, and showing us around. It was a lot of fun.


This past weekend “she” and I made a trip to the mainland for various reasons. The trip was excellent. On the way over, we rode the 7 pm sailing of the Spirit of Vancouver Island. We hit the buffet for some tasty morsels, then went back to the car deck to check up on Yoshi

Once in Vancouver we had family to visit, mountains to bike on, trails to run on, firewood to purchase, dog food to buy, clothes to shop for, and much, much more.

The return trip on the S.o.V.I. was pretty uneventful. It was an excellent weekend though.


sony PDAI may have only had my Handspring Prism for less than a year, but I am already feeling the urge to upgrade. Sony just announced the first PalmOS 5 ARM processor based PDA’s for the market.

The Palm InfoCenter has some excellent info on them.

Sony Style has them listed for sale already. I might wait a little while to see if pirces fall a little. Then again … maybe not. 🙂 Stay tuned for more details.

Cohabitation Celebration

This past Saturday was the Cohabitation Celebration. “She” and I held our first party at our new place. It was a house warming of sorts.

We had a great time, and wish to thank all those that attended. Friends from in and around the city (and across the water) came by, ate, drank, socialized, then went home.

We had decided to make it a true potluck. It was quite fun to see what each person had in store for the rest of us. The amount of food was staggering. There were appies of all sorts, some main dishes (like lasagna, quesadillas and salmon), and a couple of desserts as well. There were no overlaps in what people brought.

The house DJ (me) was starting to do a poor job, so I handed my duties over to the guest DJ for the remainder of the evening. He did an excellent job, mixing up spinning some of my old school wax, and new school plastic.

Thanks again to all who attended.

Oozing with hypocrisy

I just had a very odd lunch break. I went downtown to look at biking shoes at the Bike Cellar. Across the street was a group of people protesting. There was a placard that read “Kids should not be used as a resource”. I took this to mean the group was opposed to child labor.

Unfortunately for them, a young child was holding the sign. I couldn’t help but laugh and think how hypocritical that was.

Also within a two block period I saw two news cameras taping news stories. Victoria feels like it is a big city now. 🙂 I never did find any shoes, but I did find a couple new CD’s at Lyles Place.

A night on the town.

Last night was tons of fun. I had heard a few weeks ago that Wide Mouth Mason was coming to town, so I after mentioning it to a few friends, I went down and picked up a few tickets. Last night was the show, so “she” and I went out to dinner with a couple friends to Santiago’s, then over to the show. The dinner was excellent! Santiago’s is a tapas bar, and between the four of us we polished off 2 appetizers, 6 main dishes and 1 dessert. Mmmm! You can read about the show here.