I love this coffee mug concept, but I doubt it would keep coffee warm for very long.
via Dude I Want That
I love this coffee mug concept, but I doubt it would keep coffee warm for very long.
via Dude I Want That
via Gizmodo
Awesome. I’d love to try one of these bikes, just to hear and feel it. I bet it would be awesome. Of course, I would be wearing at least a helmet for protection.
Awesome. Bottle opener that looks like the Millennium Falcon. It even “features a magnet on the back letting it dock to any magnetic surface”. Cool.
via Gizmodo
Still, in my heart I am a mountain biker. I follow mountain biking news way more than roadie news.
When I saw this video, I began to think, maybe I can truly mix mountain biking with road biking.
via the Verge
Sesame Street breaks it down from Wonderful Creative on Vimeo.
via BoingBoing
Amon Tobin ‘ISAM’ Live (Extended Trailer) from Ninja Tune on Vimeo.
via Blurbomat
via Gizmodo