LOTD: Collection Curtain

Some day when I own a house and have some spare cash, I would like to set up some sort of green energy collection. I am thinking solar panels and battery storage. Maybe a small wind turbine. There are lots of options there.

Friday while reading Gizmodo, I saw an interesting idea. Curtains that double as solar panels. You close the curtains since you want to block the sunlight from the room, but why not make that curtain more functional? Embed tiny solar panels in the fabric and put them to work while keeping your house cool.

Read about it on Gizmodo.

LOTD – Information Riding

I’ve seen the google maps pedometer, and have created a couple maps when I was training for Canmore. That’s perfect if you are walking, since the information (likke calories burned) will be valid.

Riding though is a whole other game. For that use map my ride. The main page claims it is for cyclists, but when saving your map, you can mark it as running, walking, cycling, kayaking, dog walking, or others. This site can also be used to find new ride routes, and to share ride routes.

The workout calculator is pretty cool too. I think that when I get back into roadie riding, I will make use of this site.

LOTD – Geotagging Records

Geotagging is the name for tagging your photographs with GPS coordinates. Kind of cool if you come home with a shot, and 6 months from now you forget where you took it from.

Not many cameras (if any) have GPS built in, and I have seen a couple flash hotshoe adapters that record GPS when you take a picture. You must always have the flash turned on though, and can’t use a real flash.

ThinkGeek is selling an interesting device. It is a GPS receiver you toss in your pocket or backpack, that continually records where you are. When you offload your pictures from your camera, you can use the supplied software to merge your pictures with your GPS data. Cool.

via ThinkGeek

LOTD – Launcher Training

A timely archive item popped into my radar today. Two years ago I posted about a dog cookie launcher. The other day I came across this YouTube vid for an automated tennis ball launcher.

I can’t imagine building such a thing for Yoshi. It would be going non stop! Also, he wouldn’t get much exercise since the ball doesn’t travel that far. Supersize this, and Yoshi would have a great time …. only after the training hump.