Tag: mtbvi
Got some air time on today’s ride today. @nosrettap14 estimated it at around a 5 ft drop. It’s been a while since I tried this one.
#greenribbon #mtbvi #yyj #mountainbiking #bikesarefun
#greenribbon #mtbvi #yyj #mountainbiking #bikesarefun
Nice day out on the trails. Sort of cleared my sinuses, but not really. This cold is still kicking my butt.
#mtbvi #yyj #mountainbiking #bikesarefun
#mtbvi #yyj #mountainbiking #bikesarefun
Fresh rubber for the rear tire. Brand new @maxxistires Shorty that I picked up at the @trekprocity garage sale for $20! I just need to shake this cold and go for a ride.
#greatdeal #freshrubber #mtbvi #yyj #mountainbiking #bikesarefun
#greatdeal #freshrubber #mtbvi #yyj #mountainbiking #bikesarefun
Spent a bit of ‘me’ time in the woods yesterday. Rode some old and new trails, got a bit wet, and a lot muddy. It was great to recharge.
#mtbvi #yyj #mountainbiking #bikesarefun #cantkillaroach
#mtbvi #yyj #mountainbiking #bikesarefun #cantkillaroach
Wee bit moist out in the #doumont trails yesterday. I had a good time exploring, chatting with locals, and hitting up Fine China. #mtbvi #mountainbiking #bikesarefun #foggy #moist #finechina
I’m all registered for the #tansky enduro next weekend. Who else is racing it blind with me? #mtbvi #mountainbiking #bikesarefun #enduro #blindenduro
Before and after today’s ride. That tread is looking a little worn. Time to hit up @trekprocity for some new @maxistires rubber. #mtbvi #mountainbiking #bikesarefun
Day 4 of the road trip saw us hitting Mt Benson on the way home. Lots of fun once the uphill is done. #roadtrip #mtbvi #mountainbiking #bikesarefun
Second day down. Very wet and muddy but so much fun. #mtbvi #cumberland #mountainbiking #bikesarefun #muddy #wet