My shoes were also washed and rinsed as part of the #Tansky enduro cleanup. They are now draining in the garage. I’m hoping they are dry enough to wear tomorrow evening.
Tag: tansky
A little clean and style for Beaker today. a(nd my bike). It was a little muddy from the #Tansky enduro yesterday. Here are some after and before shots. #mtbvi #mountainbiking #bikesarefun #somuchmud
The views at the #tansky enduro were outstanding. The riding was even better. Tacky velcro dirt all over the place. So much fun. Thx @sookebikeclub / @island06matt
Yeehaw! Picked up these beauties at the @trekprocity garage sale this morning. $20 each for a DHF and a Shorty. I’ll likely swap these on after the #tansky enduro tomorrow. #gooddeal #usedbutnotusedup #tires
I’m all registered for the #tansky enduro next weekend. Who else is racing it blind with me? #mtbvi #mountainbiking #bikesarefun #enduro #blindenduro