Wow, what a #DarkPattern on this site. I don’t remember subscribing to GameStop and when I went to unsubscribe I unchecked all the boxes and almost tapped the green button (green means go after all). I think that would have resulted in more email. The red save button was the one I ended up using.
Scenes from the trails.
I prefer to think of these knee pads as cold instead of still wet from last weeks ride. Somehow that feels less gross.
Very green out on the trails today. Oh, there was a bit of water out there too.
Over the weekend I played with a Hugo backed blog stored in GitHub. Hooked it up to Static Websites for Azure so that any commit auto builds and deploys. Now I’m thinking of turning that repo into an Obsidian vault so I can post easily from a phone. #hugo #ssg #obsidianMd
Sunday chore: cleaning the coffee grinder ✅
Shocking how much gunk builds up in there.
Really wish more feed reading software had built in support for all the various read later software. eg NetNewsWire, ReadKit, Reeder et al supporting Pocket, Readwise, Matter, Instapaper, Omnivore, and the like.
I’d really love to configure Reeder to allow me to swipe on an article and have it save to Omnivore rather than the tedious usage of the share sheet.
Coughing after eating a mouthful of quinoa is fraught with danger. Just saying.
A large winter storm hit Victoria this morning and I’ve been awake since 4am. By 9 I was already on my third coffee. This is going to be a lovely day I’m sure.
Every time I read a git article or blog post and the author includes init as a commonly used command, I immediately close the page. Case in point from today: 50 Git Commands I Use Everyday as a Dev
Does anyone use init from the cli? Am I the outlier?