#cycling #yyj #bikesarefun #coffee #yyjcoffee
What Sox learned was that after noon Starbucks no longer brews decaf coffee. If you order a decaf, they offer an Americano for the same price as the regular drip coffee. I’ve tested this a couple times, and as someone who likes Americano’s this is awesome.
I was at a @starbucks wanting a coffee anyway, so I asked the nice clerk to check them. Turned out one of them had over $6 and another over $4! Almost like winning the lottery.
I opted for something roasted locally and chose the Fernwood Mile Zero Decaf. So far I am not enjoying the espresso shots I am getting out of this. Unfortunately for me I had a whole bag of this to get through before I can try something else. Maybe I should just grind it all and take it to work for my own special brew in the office. We have one of those single cup makers that takes a filter and grounds. This could get expensive trying to find a new favorite.
I might try the Decaf Espresso beans from Serious Coffee since I know they will sell by the half pound. Anyone have any suggestions on where to get great decaf espresso beans?
After I was better I noticed when I woke up in the mornings that I wasn’t feeling groggy like I used to. I began to notice that while at work I still didn’t need caffeine, but it was a strong habit to go get a coffee when I needed a break.
I decided that this was an excellent time to cut back on caffeine, and to seriously consider cutting it out entirely.
Since I got back to work I have allowed myself one caffeinated coffee at home in the morning. At work and any other time I am out, I drink decaf. So far so good. I enjoy coffee a lot, and really don’t want to give up that part of my life, but I am prepared to give up caffeine, as long as I still get the rich taste I have become accustomed to.
The best part about giving up most of the caffeine is that I am now staying up later than I was before, still getting up at the same time, but feel relaxed and refreshed in the morning. My sleep quality must have improved once I drastically cut back on caffeine.
Now I am nearing the end of my regular Kicking Horse Cliffhanger Espresso. I think I might start looking for their decaf version here in stores. If I can’t find it, I may just order some online.