Civilized Weather

big flower little Yoshi

Yoshi’s walk on Sunday was a lot more relaxed than the day before. He was quite civilized, and got along nicely with all the dogs in the park. The sun was out, the breeze was light, the park was perfect.

Tonight Suede and I did something we haven’t done in a long time. After work, we got changed, let Yoshi into the truck, then went for an hour walk around Thetis Lake. Yoshi appreciated the run, and we relished the walk. Somehow we lucked into some really nice weather.

Different Ordeal

Aphro inside her house, inside our house

Aphro, our cat, loves to go out to explore the yard. She used to be happy in the back yard, but now we find she is spending her time in the front yard when we let her out. Usually she sits by some bushes in the front, off in the corner of the lot, away from everything. We usually let her out around the time we get home (5 ish), and she ends up getting bored or tired of outside a couple hours later.

Last night was a much different experience. Aphro headed out much later (we guess some time around 9), and wasn’t ready to come in when we wanted to head to bed. Everything we tried to coax her in with, freaked her out. To top it off I saw her in a different area of the yard that is near a busy street. We aren’t sure how street-savvy she is, so we want her to avoid the streets as much as possible.

One thing I was reminded of last night was that cats are stubborn. That and they are difficult to herd.

She never did come in last night, even though we left the door open a crack. This morning, after putting the dogs out in the backyard, I went out the front of the house to look for her. I left the front door open a crack, but never saw her. I went back in and closed the front door, then continued getting ready for work. A couple minutes later Sue called me into the bedroom asking how I got the cat in! There she was laying on the bed, looking all cute and non-chalant about the whole ordeal. Aaargh!

Brandished Needle

selectively focused bolts on fenceline

Last night was Aphros first vet appointment since we got her. She did not like bein in the kitty carrier! When we finally stuffed her in (with a towel), she meowed almost constantly during the ride to the vet. She would take little breaks in her caterwauling, just to make us think she had quieted down.

When we got to the vet she was pretty quiet, which was nice. We took her into the exam room, opened the door to the cat carrier, and she slowly made her way out. The vet did her exam, including weighing Aphro, and she was pretty good. The vet did the first shot, she was fine. The vet poked in the needle for the second shot, and that is when Aphro flipped! Ears flat, mouth open she tried to bite the vet, then she hissed. Claws brandished she took a few swats at the vet. To her credit the vet calmly put the needle in a safe place, got a better grip on Aprho, then continued where she left off. The last needle was a quick one, then some deworming fluid, and it was over.

Sort of. Sue and I had to get Aphro back into the carrier. πŸ™‚ All in all a good visit. Much different from a Yoshi visit. He just stands there and lets anything get done to him. He is next though. In just a few weeks actually.

Unforgiving Register

strange pets
This is my first post about Aphro, our cat.

She has some peculiarites that makes her so adorable.

First off, Aphro. When Sue and I go to bed, Aprho usually ends up sleeping on the bed with us. She is like a little lump of clay that is unforgiving, and can take up copious amounts of bed space. Last night is a perfect example. I woke up in the middle of the night in the middle of the bed, with Sue squished to one side of me. I tried to roll over, but Aphro was sleeping right beside my feet. I gave her a little shove, and she wouldn’t move! :O

Also, with the recent turn of weather, in the morning, when she hears the furnace kick in for the first Aphro has taken to getting out of bed to go sit on the heat register. πŸ˜› She will sit there as long as the furnace blower is going. It is quite cute actually.

When going to bed, as soon as I walk in the bedroom door, Aphro is on the dresser by the door meowing away to get me to play with her. We have this cat toy that is nothing more than bits of cardboard on a piece of wire. If you wiggle it just right, then move towards her with it, you can get her to jump off the bed vertically in the air.

Aphro is quite a cutie!