Tag: May 2008
Forestry Pictures
This little lady bug tried to hitch a ride with me. It might have worked if it wasn’t so tickly for me.
Paddle Exception
I took Sprout to the Kinsmen Gorge playground for some play time. We had a blast, and I think the highlight for Sprout was watching the kayakers launch and paddle away. We also had some snacks while resting.
You can’t see Beet in these pictures, but I assure you she was around. The last few pics here are from some visiting relatives. Sprout loves the beach, and this trip was no exception. We hadn’t brought the most appropriate clothes, but that didn’t stop him.
Mmmm, family lunch at Pluto’s. Yummy!
May Snacks
We planted a Clematis late last year and this year it bloomed some gorgeous flowers.
We met with some friends at a playground in Langford. It was so, so cold that morning. None of the adults really dressed properly. It seemed warm at our house when we left, but the temp dropped a couple degrees by the time we got there. We went to a coffee shop afterwards to warm up and get some snacks in the boys.
Pictures Parade
Vacation Majority
Bluebells Nicely
I managed to get out in the yard between rain showers, so I took some other rain drop shots that I thought turned out nicely too.
Dwindling Afternoon
Last time I mentioned we watched the parade. Since then there has been a bunch of things happen. We did a bunch of things around town, including a nice walk with J, L, and C at Elk Lake.
Then we went to Vancouver. We were there for 4 days, and had a (busy) fun time. We went to one brunch where there was 8 kids there, and 7 adults. Once Sprout got warmed up he had a great time. We didn’t leave that one until 2:30, so we ended up letting Sprout skip his nap. Waking him after a short nap results in a grumpy bear that we didn’t really want to deal with.
The next day it was another brunch with some more friends and their 2 daughters. I think Sprout had a great time there playing in the sandbox and the pool.
Then on the 26th, we went from Langley in to Stanley Park to visit the Aquarium. We spent a couple hours there, and Sprout definitely had fun. His favorite was the scuba diver in the big tank, closely followed by the beluga whales.
We came home that day. I did some grocery shopping on Tuesday while Sprout was at daycare, then Wednesday Sox took the kids to a friends while I did some things on the computer. I also had an Ulti game last night.
Today we drove up to Duncan and saw the Forestry Centre there. We rode the train (the highlight) and poked around the grounds a little bit. Finished there we ate lunch in the car on the way to Nanaimo where Sprout is having a sleepover at Gramma’s for a couple days. Yes, Sox and I only have 1 child until Sunday. We drove back to Victoria late in the afternoon, and had a leisurely dinner in front of the TV.
Roadside Parade
This past Wednesday (May 14) we headed out to Fort Rodd Hill with a friend of ours, and her son. The boys had a great run around out there, and we enjoyed checking out the sights. The great thing about that place is that a seasons pass is $5. Now I can head back there any time I want to take some pictures. Wednesday I also played my first Ulti game of the season.
Thursday some of Sox’s family arrived for a visit. Friday we all headed out to Island View beach for some sin and sand. On the way back I stopped at a roadside stand to get some eggs and a couple red peppers. I also got a couple pieces of Rhubarb for a snack. Imagine my surprise then the total was less than $4.50. The eggs we normally buy are $4!
Saturday morning we went out for breakfast at Pluto’s (mmm, my favorite place for breakfast) then headed off to a Beacon Hill park playground. We also went for a small tour of the park for Sox’s dad and stepmom. We then said goodbye to our visitors.
Today we headed downtown to watch the parade. I was actually feeling under the weather, but the boys had a great time, and so did the adults. There was a bit of a downer for us when we were leaving, but I will detail that later.
Vacation Things
This past Wednesday I fired up our brand new gas powered weed eater. Holy smokes is it ever powerful and does an amazing job. Once I got it running I hit the twitchy gas trigger and the engine took off. When that happened the trim head also took off with the torque from the engine. The electric variety never do that. I also got through the trimming in no time flat. Awesome.
Thursday Sox had a dentist appointment so I had the kids for a little while. After dropping Sox off at her appointment, we headed to the mall to see the fish at the pet store. We then spent some time in the play area.. Later, I got out for a tiny ride to downtown to meet a friend for lunch. I also stopped at MEC for a bit of shopping. Since I was on my bike I wasn’t able to pick up the new tires I was going to get.
Friday I spent some time on the computer upgrading some software and I also did some yardwork. These are all some things that I have been wanting to do for a while, and it was nice to knock them off the list.
Vic West Fest was pm Saturday so we took Sprout and Beet out there to check things out. Sprout checked out the fire engine, played on the playground, checked out a smart car, and had a hot dog for lunch.
Mothers day I had plans to sneak out when Beet woke up and get Sox a morning Chai. Of course that morning Beet slept in and my plan was foiled a little bit. Everyone seemed to get up at the same time (8 am) and that is when I went out for coffee’s. After breakfast Sprout and I headed out to Kinsmen Gorge park to check out a new playground.
Yesterday Sox and Beet had some errands to run after dropping Sprout off at daycare so I had some more computing time (a nice way for me to relax), then did some more yard work. Sox, Beet and I then walked Yoshi and bought the week’s groceries.
Busy week, but extremely productive and satisfying.